Nov 15, 20202 min

INSPIRE Gratitude and Thanks in 2020!

Gratitude 2020!

What are you grateful for?

The year of 2020 has ushered in a time that no one has seen for over 100 years. A world wide pandemic.

Let us now look at the silver lining associated with all of this. Yes there have been intense challenges that have effected us all. Losses both big and small. I honor your courage and fortitude!

What are the benefits and graces that you have received? Think about it for a moment. Spending more time at home has allowed more interaction with our family members. More time with the children or spouse. If you live by yourself I hope that you have been able to reach out and gather support and friendship even by connecting with friends and family live on the web.

You may even had some extra time to do some cleaning, sorting, organizing, and de-cluttering. This gives you a boost through improved flow in your life. Getting rid of excess baggage creates a vacuum for new positive things to manifest.

Being grateful for the small things in life can bring a boost to your morale. Think not of what you do not have but what you have been truly blessed with! Yes the basic necessities such as food and shelter can be such a thing. A sunny day! The beautiful smile of a child at play.

Maybe you have had the opportunity to help your neighbors or perhaps others have generously offered you assistance. Gratitude lies in the heart of all.

Or perhaps you were a part of those brave ones who continued to serve throughout the year. A big Thank You to all of you!

Changes are there for everyone. Remember that challenges can actually be the driving force to propel us onto greater and bigger achievements. The catalyst per say. Open your mind and world to new opportunities that are unfolding.

Your may desire to take out that pen and paper to write down what you are grateful for! Seeing it in print makes it more real. Let the universe know that you are truly grateful!

Let Everyday Be One of Thanksgiving and Joy!

Thank you!

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving and Rejoice in the Beauty of Life!


copyright 2020, The Harmonic Zone, LLC
