"Feng Shui and More!"
The Harmonic Zone
Brighten Your Horizons
The Feng Shui Way!
Enrich Relationships, Well-Being, & Prosperity!
Bonnie, BFA, BSN, RN, Best Selling Author
Bonnie enjoys sharing her expertise and knowledge to create a harmonic space - a happy zone that is beneficial to health & well-being, prosperity, and positive relationships. Enhancing your Health, Wellness, and Optimizing your Brain Power with movement and positive goals is another key aspect.
Bonnie has facilitated up-liftment, vitality, and personal growth since 1996. Her unique skills assist her clients in optimizing life’s journey, successfully navigating rivers that benefit from an experienced guide. Energizing the home and office space to enrich overall success and prosperity!
168 FENG SHUI Tips for the Home Office and More: Plus Holistic and Personal Success Keys
How To Brighten Up Your Life: 168 Holistic Keys To Enrich Your Happiness and Success
WE CHOOSE JOY: How 22 Women Went Beyond Healing to Create Joy in Their Lives.
(Bonnie is one of the authors in this inspiring book!)
Bonnie achieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a major in art and a minor in music, Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, and Applied Business Computer Programming Diploma. She is certified Classical Feng Shui Master Consultant and health and well-being related type of Kinesiology practitioner and a Licensed Brain Gym Instructor. Her achievements also include being a best selling author.
Bonnie offers a wealth of resources to enhance your life's aspirations.
Additional tools that she draws upon range from past experience as a display artist in the tri-state area, professional musician, computer operations sup-ervisor, various business arenas, and Director of Nursing.
Bonnie’s Mottoes
Transformation is the Key!
Follow Your Dreams!
Reach for the Stars!
The Harmonic Zone
copyright 2019-2022, The Harmonic Zone , LLC