"Feng Shui and More!"
The Harmonic Zone
Brighten Your Horizons
The Feng Shui Way!
Enrich Relationships, Well-Being, & Prosperity!
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Women and Men, Entertainers, Politicians, Housewives,
and others like you in using the
POWER of Feng Shui!
Classical Feng Shui
Optimize Your Relationships, Prosperity, & Well Being!
Enhance and create more harmony and well-being in your life!
The Harmonic Zone
Classical Feng Shui
Classical Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient science and art that is based on the environment, architectural design, astronomy, and physics. In ancient days it was reserved for the leaders and the nobility. Today you may enjoy the benefits!
Areas are enhanced by applying design techniques of the 5 elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. There are no nick- knacks or odd looking objects employed in traditional Feng Shui. Decor that compliments your existing design is the key!
Enjoy a harmonious environment at home or at the office by implementing Bonnie's creative recommendations. Experience the joy of Classical Feng Shui!
Feng Shui means wind and water. The power and force of the wind along with the water and mountains affect feng shui. Today in modern settings the buildings and streets or roads act in a similar way. It is about the flow of air currents and the chi or energy that they carry. Flowing water is also a potent transporter of the force of life. We have all seen what the wind or water can do in terms of their power as can be seen in tornadoes, flooding, and other such events.
Feng Shui takes into account various spaces, the environment, and the effect of time. There are cycles within cycles of time. The fortune of an environment can change with the ebb and flow of the ages. This is what makes Traditional also know as Classical Feng Shui so effective.
The Classical Feng Shi practitioner takes into account both the exterior and interior environmental features, the space, and changing cycles of time. More modern versions of feng shui do not do this. A precise compass reading and the date of construction of a building are the key factors in determining the inherent properties of a building for Classical Feng Shui.
Authentic Feng Shui
You might be wondering just how Feng Shui affects your finances, relationships, or health? It is based on the innate patterns in your home or office and interior and exterior environmental issues. When a person was born also plays a key role in determining why an area may be beneficial for one person but causing distress for another.
Some of these Feng Shui stressers are seen in the environment such as architectural features. While others are related to the invisible changing magnetic type of fields that are associated with time tested Feng Shui analysis. As modern science says, Everything is Energy! When a person spends a lot of time in a specific area such as the bedroom or sitting at a desk, it creates a resonance... a connection that may be beneficial or detrimental to finances, relationships, or health. It is almost like absorbing your environment through osmosis.
Classical Feng Shui assessments are done to analyze the situation and offer recommendations for improving your life for the better. The Feng Shui of your home or office, where you spend a significant amount of time on a regular basis, may be a contributing factor to your current situation.
There are actually Feng Shui mathematical configurations in your environment, that may
be increased during certain years or months, that could have a potential for relationship problems, illness, unpleasant happenings, financial setbacks, arguments, and more. The role of Traditional Feng Shui is provide recommendations that manage the potentially stressful situations and enhance the more positive aspects of living spaces.
When things are going great, there may still be enhancements that may make life even better! The key is action. We must all take action to move forward into a more positive space. Sometimes challenging Feng Shui or a combination of other things may be holding a person back.
At The Harmonic Zone, not only can your Feng Shui be considered, but other techniques are also available to propel you into an energized state to quickly move forward. This creates a more conducive state to success. Reach for your highest potential!
Traditionally Feng Shui Masters of old were experts in other modalities such as astronomy, mathematics, and health and well being in addition to Feng Shui.
Bonnie follows in their footsteps offering you the big picture along many fine details to more effectively assist you in uplifting your relation-ships, well-being, and prosperity with Traditional Feng Shui and More!
Why Choose Classical Feng Shui with Bonnie?
Author of 168 FENG SHUI Tips for the Home Office and More: Plus Holistic and Personal Success Keys
Custom Written Feng Shui Report for your unique situation
Consultation addresses Your Special Concerns including Relationships, Health, and Finances
BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree) with previous position as Display Artist in Tri-State Area
Thorough assessment of Feng Shui configurations (Flying Star) and environmental aspects (Form) that may be affecting your well-being, finances, or relationships
Geobiology Assessment (Optional for in-person audits) for a building with correction recommendations to decrease geo-pathic stress, that may impact health, relationships, and prosperity. (Best after Feng Shui remedies done by client)
Exterior and interior assessments
Recommendations for Feng Shui remedies and enhancements with traditional methods using the five elements along with architectural considerations
15 degree Advanced Feng Shui Personal directions for height-ening key life aspects related to birth data
Best method of using the 45 degree directions, which are often misrepresented in "Modern Books"
4 Auspicious Directions and 4 Less Favorable ones
Feng Shui clothing colors for Success
Special directions to keep clean and tidy to avoid issues with finances, relationships, or health (information not found in my book)
Feng Shui for homes, condominiums, apartments, and offices
Holistic Modern Techniques to optimize benefits!
The Harmonic Zone
Holistic Feng Shui
What's in a Direction?
15 degree Specialized Directions include Creative Right Brain, Logical Left Brain, Prosperous directions and times, Romance, Consuming direction and times, Lonely Pillow, and No Marriage Direction.
45 degree Personal Feng Shui Directions: 8 directions based on the birth year, using the solar calendar, which often begins on February 4th yearly
Best directions for Head Board for improved sleep and well-being
Good Directions for sitting which is accurate, unlike many of the Modern books
More KEY Benefits of Consultations with Bonnie
The majority of Feng Shui practitioners today only use some factors of Form School Feng Shui and 8 Mansions or even more simpler modern methods. Bonnie offers Authentic Real Classical Feng Shui.
Bonnie's unique Tool Box also includes Brain Gym Balances to assist people to move forward with goals with more ease and joy. Special Mind/Body Kinesiology techniques that encompass a wide range of life's complex components from health and well-being, to stress, relationships, finances, diet, and more.
Reach for the Stars and More Completely Realize Your Full Potential!
Enjoy the perks of a positive-harmonious environment at work and at home!
Welcome to The Harmonic Zone with Bonnie!
copyright 2019-2022, The Harmonnic Zone , LLC
Classical Feng Shui