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What is Brain Gym?

Plan & Vision

 Activate Your Brain for Heightened Creativity

& Peak Performance!

      Brain Gym is a  movement based system that boosts brain function.  It involves 26 fun and easy activities.  25 are specific movements that were developed through research that began in 1969 by Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D.  These are based on how the brain is developed by children as they go through the various stages of developmental movements.  Brain Gym enhances the lives of people of just about any age!  I have used Brain Gym on ages of 3 to 99 years old.


      The Brain Gym program has been so effective that it has spread worldwide into over 80 countries.  People are experiencing the joy  and ease of enhanced performance in educational settings, the corporate world, athletic training, personal well-being, and more!


      In addition to the Brain Gym Movements,  there is the powerful Brain Gym Balance process, which you can experience during a private consultation or during the Brain Gym 101 Course.  The theory behind how it works is that balance process creates new pathways, neural networks, in the brain.  These connections serve as a new highway  for using the whole brain. 


      Sometimes people get stuck in one side of the brain and find it hard to move forward or are in a state of stress involving certain activities.  The balancing process assists people to move from a state of reacting to a  more conscious mode which allows additional positive choices.  Many people have experienced immediate changes that increase the ease of doing things.


        The Brain Gym balance assists the right and left brain hemispheres  to be in sink with each other and more efficiently work together for enhanced well being and performance.  This process may also involve even deeper structures of the brain, depending on your chosen goal.  Deeper goals may include areas such as motivation, attention, and organizational abilities.





Brain Gym is for...
Excited Children in Science Class
       The Classroom
Working Together
Aiming for the Hoop
Golfing Couple
Film Clapboard
Performing Arts
Young Musicians
And More!
Beautiful Women

Brain Gym Balance

      The Brain Gym Balance is a multi-step process.  It involves the quick warm-up called PACE which gets the brain and body in gear for being focused for any task.  A goal of your own choosing is developed in an area that you desire to enhance.  Then we find out where you are now in regard to your goal.  This involves specific brain-body testing.


      Next the movement begins with the option of some of the fun 26 targeted activities or the unique process of repatterning.  There are two variations when the repatterning sequence is the option of choice.  It is either the Dennison Laterality Repatterning (for the coherence of the right and left brain hemispheres) or the Three-Dimension Repatterning (for the deeper structures involving attention, motivation, or organization.) 


      These activities are a part of this powerful process that assists in linking your goal to the abilities that you need to achieve it.   A technique is used to reinforce this new and enhanced way of doing things that you have just learned.   We finally check to see the positive changes that have occurred as a result of the balancing process.  Lastly we celebrate!



Balance Scales
Brain Gym Balance in a Nut Shell
Female College Students

      We have all created certain programs in our own brain-body mind system.  They have served us well in the past to protect us and keep us safe.  Some programs are good today while others may be holding people back. 


     The Brain Gym Balance creates a New and More Beneficial way of doing things.  It is like writing a computer program that allows you to more readily achieve your goals.  


      It rewires the brain-body mind system for more efficient functioning for higher achievements and peak performance.  This program is written in the language of the body.  It is very ancient and goes back to movement and learning as an infant.  It may go even go further back into the womb and beyond that into the mists of time.

Bright Idea
Maximize Your
Brain Power with
Brain Gym!
A Bright Idea!
For more information about Brain Gym, please go to the Blog Quick Read Articles by clicking on articles above.
     Or you may go to these posts by clicking on the lines
to the right.
A Woman Laughing

    For more information on how you too can optimize your brain power, please contact Bonnie, Licensed Brain Gym Instructor.


Thank you and have a wonderful day!



  Brain Gym ®  is the registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation.

copyright 2019-2022, The Harmonic Zone   , LLC


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