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SPECIAL Holiday Savings!

Hot Air Balloons

Fly to New Heights!

Classical Feng Shui 45 degree directions can boost your life!  They are based on this once mysterious and hidden method.  This scientifically oriented Feng Shui is over 4,000 years old.


      Classical Feng Shui is strongly rooted in architectural design, physics, astronomy, and the environment.  It requires mathematical calculations and is logical in nature.


How do I know these specific 45 degree directions work?

      I use these special directions all of the time.  I have experimented and see that there really is something to it!  It has made a huge difference for the better in my life.  Actually, I am using one of these key directions as I write this on my website. 


Did you know that there are discrepancies in Feng Shui directions?

   Examples are when exactly is the Feng Shui New Year or which is the best way to sit.


      Many of the modern Feng Shui books are based on new ideas. In fact, the majority, at least 95% or more are inaccurate when it comes to certain aspects of these directions or are totally miscalculated.  What I am offering is indeed the correct method to use these special directions to your advantage.


SO To give yourself a LIFT.....

One key solution is to use your best directions to enhance your overall success!  That is why I am offering this Special Deal right now.........

Everyone can benefit from an Extra Boost!


The Personal Prosperity Feng Shui Package


PROSPERITY is a state of thriving and being successful!




It is a state of overall Good Fortune!


The Personal Prosperity Feng Shui Package:

Based on your Personal Feng Shui Trigram 45 degree Directions


Normally $ 19.95


Holiday Special: $9.95 each or

                            2 for $15.95


Valuable Information That You Will Receive Digitally!


Classical Feng Shui (1 - 5)

1. Personal Power Boosting 45 degree Directions & Specific Ways to Use Them

  • Success Direction

  • Mentors and Helping Hands Direction

  • Healthy Direction

  • Calming and Relaxing Direction


2. 4 other directions in order of positivity


3. Feng Shui Personal Trigram Number Informational Snapshot


4. Enhancing Colors related to your Feng Shui Number (Personal Trigram)


5. How to find the direction with a small compass or cell phone


Symbolic Ideas (Not Feng Shui)

6.  Encourage the genie of the unconscious mind to go to work for you!





      Please Contact me at to order your package today!  

                             Only $ 9.95 each or

                                      $15.95 for 2


           All it takes is your birthday to calculate your specific directions as it is based on gender and birth data.

      Using these directions is one wqy to enrich success.  A Classical Feng Shui Consultation will further increase potentials for enhanced overall prosperity, relationships, and well-being.

Have a Prosperous Day!

Copyright 2020, The Harmonic Zone, LLC

Hot Air Balloons
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