Brain Gym is a movement based method that the enriches lives!
From the young to the elderly Brain Gym can be a very effective boost!
It is being used in over 80 countries worldwide to enhance business, education, sports training programs, and for personal development.
* RELIEVE Stress!
* Move Forward with Your Goals!
* Do things Easier!
There are 2 ways to experience Brain Gym. Brain Gym Movements and Brain Gym Balances.
What activities are done with Brain Gym?
Most activities involve simple movements.
The movements are fun and easy!
Many times people find themselves under stress in certain situations or even get stuck that way. Brain Gym uses simple activities and movements to release the stress. Stress can become so ingrained that people may not even know that it is there.
The stress is often held in the body even if it something that has to do with thinking or emotions. It deals with the mind-body connection. Studies have even found that illness can be rooted in stress.
I was personally in a class with Paul Dennison, PhD, Brain Gym
co-creator, in which he said, "Brain Gym is another way to say I love you!"
Brain Gym can be that powerful and soothing to the mind and body!
1. Some of the Brain Gym movements gently lengthen tight muscles allowing them to relax. With relaxation it is easier to think and do things better.
2. Others may activate the eyes with movements. Smooth tracking of the eyes is key to reading. Even adults who did well in school may have eyes that jump and skip spots when tracking back and forth.
3. Still other offerings include special body positions that allow the mind and body to relax thereby soothing the emotions.
4. Some activities help the left and right sides of the brain and body to work better together. Or even the front and back or top and bottom. Yes we really desire to have the body and the brain work together in harmony. That gives us better performance results and sense of equilibrium. More joy and fulfillment.
Brain Gym Balances
These incorporate Brain Gym Activities with a goal. It may also include a special process called re-patterning that further connects the right and left sides of the body for more balance or the even deeper structures which effect behavior, emotions, and thought processes.
Brain gym is an effective means to assist people to relieve stress and to do things easier and better. Business women and men, families, schools, sports programs, you name it use Brain Gym to boost their success. Entertainers even use Brain Gym!
Brain Gym Balances and classes are being offered by The Harmonic Zone via zoom or in person. Please contact me, Bonnie, at or call and leave a message!
Have a wonderful day full of love and balance! Stay positive and enjoy life!
Contact Bonnie today at:
Brain Gym® is the registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation, dba Breakthroughs International, Santa Barbara, CA.
copyright 2020, The Harmonic Zone, LLC